Project 2
Experiencing Space - The Memory Repository
This project is split into 2 parts, Project 2a and 2b.
Project 2a
In groups of 12 to 13 students, students are to conduct a historical research on the place for task 1. The research shall include mapping a site over a series of significant stages, in the course of its history provides a description of the life and memory of a place then create a video with narration. For task 2, we had to collect data of macro and micro sites as well as site conditions. We then have to conduct site analysis of the physical context within the identified macro and micro sites for task 3. Task 4 and 5 are individual work where we have to produce a personal interpretation of the macro site in the form of sketches then conclude by identifying the key character(s) of place that would form inspiration in the design, and then present a Design Concept for a Memory Repository derived from the issues discovered.
Project 2b
We had to design a memory repository of approximately 450sqm (covered internal spaces) emphasising a strong engagement and relationship to the site, spatial experiences and programmatic requirements. The memory repository will serve two purposes which is to provide a physical point of reference with visual significance that keeps alive the culture/ history/ memory/ essence of the site and provide accommodation to house and display relevant material and interpretive material for public access and information.
This project has been a long and tough journey. Throughout the process, there were many ups and downs. At first I thought my initial design was a really good design, but after some crit sessions I was given some feedback that I did not really know how to integrate into my design. Because of that I had to scrap most of my old design ideas and create a mostly different design in the last minute which made me have to rush for post-production. I have now learned my lesson and know that no matter how unsatisfied I am with my design I had to stop at one point and focus a creating a good and impressionable presentation which will allow me to sell my design better than if I have designed something better but not enough time to create a good presentation. Overall, I have somewhat bittersweet feelings with how this project turned out. Alas, the semester is over and I know what I have to do in the semesters to come.